On Earth I'm Done | Mountains - Cullberg
As human beings, we are perpetually haunted by our own implication in the nature-culture bind. Our unease is addressed downwards and upwards at the same time: to the unearthing of the ground as well as to the shrinking of the limitless sky.
Through an expulsion of words, both familiar and foreign, the performer on stage acts as a conduit, lamenting on behalf of others. Their being unravels in the nexus between the physical, biological and anthropological - between gravitational forces, instinct and desire.
Choreography: Jefta van Dinther | Performed by: Agnieszka Sjökvist Dlugoszewska/Freddy Houndekindo/Marco da Silva Ferreira | Created with: Suelem de Oliveira da Silva | Sound design: David Kiers including specially composed music based on Window Sash Weights by Sun Kil Moon | Set design: Numen/For Use | Lighting design Jonatan Winbo | Costume: Jefta van Dinther and Suelem de Oliveira da Silva | Co-produced by: PACT Zollverein Essen, Freiburg Theater and Vitlycke – Centre for Performing Arts